How quickly does it take to get my billing up and running?
We are up and running within a day.
How do I know that unpaid claims are being followed up on?
We write our notes in your system. In addition, we give you access to our document we work on real-time, that shows which accounts we are currently working on,and the status.
Will my office have a dedicated biller handling my accounts?
Yes, you have a dedicated biller. However, we make sure that all of our billers are aware of what is going on with your accounts, just in case your biller is on vacation.
How often do you submit my claims to insurance and when do you check on claims?
We bill your claims on a daily basis, because the quicker we bill, the faster you get paid. In addition, we check on claims starting at 15 days from opening, which is not like other outsourced billing companies who traditionally check claims within 30 to 45 days.
What is your process regarding offering payment plans to patients?
We discuss the plans with you, and get your approval prior to offering any kind of payment plans.
Do you handle patient billing questions and inquiries?
Yes, we want all patients to understand their bills. Therefore, we take our time to go over their bill with them so they can fully understand what they owe.
I've hand issues with patients complaining because they did not receive a returned call, is this something I need to worry about with your office? How do I know you are returning our patient's call?
Our phone number will be directly on your patient’s statements. As long as they leave a message, we call them within 48 hours, which allows us time to research their account and provide the best service. In addition, once we contact the patient, we document it on their account.
Are you able to send statements out?
Yes, we research them first, send them to you for approval, and then mail them out.
What are your hours of operation so we know when to contact you if we have any questions?
We operate from 9:00am - 5:00 pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday; and Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm.
A lot of medical billing companies promise an increase on collections, what makes your company different?
We care about your company like it is our own. We understand how much time and work it takes to care for your patients, and we want you to get paid for those services. We opened up our business because we have seen some of our friends’ clinics close down due to an unreliable billing department or outsourced billing company. Also, we are commission-based, so if you don’t get paid, we don’t get paid.
What is your fee structure?
Our medical billing fees are structured based the complexity of your accounts. We give you three different options of services to choose from that best fits your practice. Additionally, our rate percentage per option reduces after you reach certain amounts of revenue. We do this because we want to be fair in our rate as you grow, so you aren’t overspending on our billing services.
Do you provide support or handle all credentialing needs?
We do, it may be part of your package or you can add it as an additional service in which we charge an hourly rate on. So whichever is more cost effective for you.
Does your office comply with all regulatory and legal issues in all 50 states?
Yes, and as each State is different, we always research to make sure we are complying with that particular State.
What is needed from me to get started?
We would need to do a consultation to make sure we are a good fit for you. We also need to set up our program to access one of your computers so we can begin work, or we can get your IT to provide us a remote login. Once we have that setup, we will be up and running on our agreed-upon start date.
How will I know if MARQUEZ CONSULTANTS is doing their job on claim calls and bring in revenue?
You can tell we are delivering value by the increased amount of money you are bringing into your company and practice. Also, we communicate with you monthly regarding accounts, and you also have access to real-time data as we are working on your billing.
Should I let go of my current billers and outsource it to your company?
It is up to you on what you feel is right for your practice. Some offices prefer keeping their billers in house. Sometimes they are just in need of proper training to increase collections. We can train them for you, but if you still feel like they aren’t a good fit, you can then decide to outsource your billing to us.
I have been pondering about outsourcing my billing department for some time. However, I'm fearful that I would lose control and won't understand what is going on with my accounts. Will this happen if I was to outsource?
I would say this is a yes and no. Some billing companies transfer all your accounts to their system, meaning nothing in your current system gets updated. Therefore, it’s hard to determine what has been collected, and you have to go based on what that company is indicating to you. I don’t agree with this because if you decide that a particular billing company isn’t working out, your accounts will come back to you in a mess as nothing has been updated on your system. There will be no notes indicating what the biller did with those accounts.
With our company, we do not transfer anything. We use your program to submit all bills, post, and write our notes in. Also, we have a document you can access all the patients we are working on and the status. Furthermore, we do a monthly AR meeting with you to go over accounts as well as where you currently are with collections for the month. We also communicate with your front desk regarding any questions they may have. We also do not write things off that aren’t contractual without consulting you first.
How will your company help reduce adminstrative stress and how can I benefit from your services?
You don’t need to worry about hiring or training billing staff. You will always know what is going on with your accounts. We pride ourselves on a high collection rate. We have other services such as training, staff coverage, and HR services that will reduce that administration headache so you can focus on your business.
Is there a contract that I need to commit to?
There is no contract commitment. You can cancel anytime but must alert us at least 30 days in advance.
How much do you charge for your services?
We go by a percentage rate and we decrease that rate once you hit a certain collections amount per month. We do this to be fair and to ensure you aren't overspending for our services. In addition, if you are a small clinic, we may not do a percentage. We may charge by the hour or claim depending on what is cost effective for your clinic. As for consulting, HR and coverage services; we charge an hourly rate. Also, for services like outsourced insurance verifications or authorizations, we charge a monthly rate depending on the amount of doctors and locations.
Are there any start-up fees to sign up?
There are no start-up fees.
Are you able to assist with handling all insurances and claims for our patients?
Yes, we work with all insurance companies and call on all claims.
Are you able to follow-up on unpaid claims to ensure our clinic gets paid?
Since we are commission-based, we follow up on all outstanding claims so you can get paid, and we can get paid.
What happens if a patient doesn't pay their bill?
We send statements, and we contact that patient to see if they want to make a payment over the phone or set up a payment plan. If the patient does not pay, we communicate with you regarding what you would like us to do. For example,sending the patient to collections,courtesy write offs or try to contact the patient again. However, anything that has to do with the above, we always communicate with you first since customer service is also high priority.
How soon can you take my office as your client?
Depending on what level of service you are looking for, typically, we can take on your practice right away, once we mutually decided that we are a good fit. As for the medical billing services, we only take a limited amount of clients per year to ensure a high level of service, quality, and productivity within our team.
How much experience does your staff hold in medical billing?
We hold a combined 25+ years' experience in medical billing.
Will I have to turn over control of my money I receive in the mail?
No, all checks and payments will still go to your clinic. We will send you an invoice for your services.
Do you track authorizations for our office and do you notify us?
We could manage authorizations, but this is a separate service. However, if we see a claim denying for no authorization, we will alert the front desk, set an alert in your system, and inform the doctor.
Do you back bill for past claims?
We work on all claims and resubmit or correct claims if needed.
How do you keep track of payments?
We can pull your reports, and we also have a stats/deposit spreadsheet that we manage, and you have access to in real-time.
Do you bill for Medicaid?
Yes, as long as those services are within their plan, and you want us to bill that particular insurance.
Do you perform pre-cert/authorization calls or insurance benefit check?
Yes, but that is a separate service and not part of the medical billing package.
How does MARQUEZ CONSULTANTS different compared to other billing firms?
We tailor our services based on your needs and charge you based on what we feel is fair. In addition, we consider your office a part of our team so we communicate with your office regarding AR, patients and approvals. We pride ourselves on our collections rating of +96% per month and always set goals to ensure we meet that. Additionally, we submit bills daily and try to catch denied claims prior to receiving a denied eob in the mail. Lastly, we totally understand if you prefer to keep your staff in house. If you need help with training, temperary help or assisting with policies and protocols in your office; we can do that.
If I'm not familiar with billing, how are you able to assist me?
We will work with you to make sure you understand the billing process end-to-end, as well as how to read and understand the relevant reports for your practice.